
Reyez Construction Projects

Phoenix Water and Wastewater Master Plan Package 7A

Reyez Construction Projects

Phoenix Water and Wastewater Master Plan Package 7A

Reyez Construction Projects

Phoenix Water and Wastewater
Master Plan Package 7A


Phoenix, Arizona


City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department

Construction Value:

$63 million

Delivery Method:


Year Completed:



Infrastructure & Site Development, Water & Wastewater


Phoenix, Arizona


City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department

Construction Value:

$63 million

Delivery Method:


Year Completed:



Infrastructure & Site Development, Water & Wastewater

Features & Highlights

Fast preconstruction and construction time frame.

Project averaged 20,000 worker-hours and $6 million in billings per month.

Installation of two 110-inch tunnels (810 lf each) under a live freeway

Project Overview

This project for the City of Phoenix required installation of utilities within an accelerated schedule that allowed less than six months for preconstruction and procurement and a nine-month window for construction. The scope included over 12 miles of pipe installation, structures, valves, appurtenances, maintenance road grading, and restoration of the existing roadway.

New construction utilities included over 26,000-LF of a 36-inch water main; 25,700-LF of dual 24-inch HDPE sewer force mains systems; 11,000-LF of gravity RGRCP and VCP sewer lines (54-inch to 36-inch) and numerous concrete structures site-wide with highly specialized coatings. To safeguard against supply chain issues, these pipe materials were procured at the 90% plan phase with an early procurement GMP.

Features & Highlights

Fast preconstruction and construction time frame.

Project averaged 20,000 worker-hours and $6 million in billings per month.

Installation of two 110-inch tunnels (810 lf each) under a live freeway

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