
Reyez Construction Projects

Skyline Drive

Reyez Construction Projects

Skyline Drive

Reyez Construction Projects

Skyline Drive


Tucson, Arizona


Pima County Department of Transportation

Construction Value:


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Year Completed:





Tucson, Arizona


Pima County Department of Transportation

Construction Value:


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Year Completed:




Features & Highlights

Designed and built in 19 months including obtaining all right of way takes and easements, environmental permits and incorporating public art features. First public project in AZ to include all of these services.

Value engineering ideas implemented equaled $2.8 million in savings

First progressive design-build horizontal project in AZ

Project Overview

Working in partnership with adjacent neighborhood groups and a developer constructing a new mall for this area, Pima County embraced the progressive design-build delivery method for the widening of Skyline Drive. The scope included the widening and reconstruction of 2 miles of Skyline Drive as well as improving 3,100 feet of Campbell Avenue North and 1,300 feet of Orange Grove Road. Skyline is a four-lane divided roadway between Chula Vista Road and Orange Grove, and a six-lane divided roadway between Orange Grove and Campbell Roads. The construction scope included surveying; drainage and extensive new underground utility improvements (120,000 linear feet); raised medians; curb, gutter and sidewalk; multi-use lanes; intersection improvements; landscaping and public art; noise and retaining walls; and quality assurance and quality control services.

This project exemplified the success of design-build for all stakeholders. A formal partnering agreement was implemented not only with the owner and design-build team, but with the community stakeholders along the corridor as well all of the public and private utility companies. The integrated project team (owner, designers, contractor and utility companies) also co-located in an office adjacent to the roadway and the neighborhoods being impacted by construction.

Features & Highlights

Designed and built in 19 months including obtaining all right of way takes and easements, environmental permits and incorporating public art features. First public project in AZ to include all of these services.

Value engineering ideas implemented equaled $2.8 million in savings

First progressive design-build horizontal project in AZ

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