
Reyez Construction Projects

Arizona Minerals South32 Hermosa Mining Operation

Reyez Construction Projects

Arizona Minerals South32 Hermosa Mining Operation

Reyez Construction Projects

Arizona Minerals South32 Hermosa Mining Operation


Patagonia, Arizona



Delivery Method:


Year Completed:

In Progress


Mining, Water & Wastewater


Patagonia, Arizona



Delivery Method:


Year Completed:

In Progress


Mining, Water & Wastewater

Features & Highlights

South32’s first CMAR project

4,000 GPM of effluent water

Managing work in a remote location with limited site access

Project Overview

Located in a historic mining district in the Patagonia Mountains of Southern Arizona, South32’s Hermosa project is currently the only advanced mine development project in the United States that could produce two federally designated critical minerals—manganese and zinc—both of which are essential minerals for powering the nation’s clean energy future.

Hermosa is a polymetallic development comprised of a zinc-lead-silver sulfide deposit, a battery-grade manganese deposit, and an extensive, highly prospective land package with the potential for further polymetallic and copper mineralization.

Reyez's scope of work included preconstruction and construction services to build the Hermosa site wet and dry infrastructure, along with well site development, NAG and PAG planning, overhead power distribution, waste management and environmental support, surge tank construction, trunk main and interconnecting pipelines for well water distribution, SWPP maintenance for the site, as well as providing an on-site concrete batch plant to support the sites construction.

Features & Highlights

South32’s first CMAR project

4,000 GPM of effluent water

Managing work in a remote location with limited site access

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