Project Overview
Similar to Reyez Construction’s Ina Road project, the new interchange will reduce delays and improve safety on Ruthrauff Road and on El Camino del Cerro west of I-10 by carrying traffic over the freeway and Union Pacific Railroad tracks running parallel to the interstate. Drivers no longer need to stop for the more than 40 trains that pass through the area each day.
The project required widening I-10 to four lanes in each direction and reconstruction of the traffic interchange. Other improvements included widening Ruthrauff Road and El Camino del Cerro to two lanes in each direction near I-10, reconstructing the I-10 frontage roads to connect to the new interchange and other miscellaneous work including constructing concrete barriers, storm drain, guardrail, granite mulch, landform graphics, signing and pavement marking.
Prior to the start of construction a large area had been identified as having the potential for archaeological findings. The project team opened up the areas of interest to archaeologists to clear them before we started mass excavation.